Buried and Resurrected

At a special baptismal service on June 19, God added Grayson Huff, Harper Glenn, and Jackson Glenn to Park Hill Christian Church. Their baptisms were a profound event for them and for all who observed
it. The labor of the pastoral classes bore fruit, and it was thrilling to hear Billie say to each one as she
leaned them back into the water, “Buried with Christ,” and then as she raised each one, “Resurrected
with Christ.”

Those words Billie said are what the scriptures say happens in baptism. As Disciples, we believe that
upon the belief and confession that Jesus is the Son of God, people come to baptism for the forgiveness
of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit. Paul said in Romans 6 that those who are baptized into Christ are
baptized into his death, so that just as Christ was raised by the glory of the Father, so we too rise to
walk in new life. It is a profound event that remains with us throughout our lifetimes. In times of
distress and temptation, Martin Luther would say, “I am baptized.” It was his way of reminding himself
that God had claimed him in his baptism. He was God’s, and God was with him. There will be times
when Grayson, Harper, and Jackson will look back on their baptisms, as we all do. They will remember
that time, and it will encourage them in whatever it is that might be happening in their lives. Because
baptism is a time that marks us and makes us different – not because of any goodness we have done,
but because God has come near us and claimed us as his.

So, now might be a good time for us all to remember our baptisms. Let us remember that day and time
when we professed our faith that Jesus was the Christ, and someone baptized us. As we remember the
smiles and the look of joy of on the faces of Grayson, Harper, and Jackson as they came up as
resurrected with Christ, let us remember the joy and sense of freedom we felt as we experienced our
own baptisms. I will bet each one of us still remembers that.

Baptism reminds us that God is trustworthy. God has claimed us. We are his.

God’s blessing to you this week, and I will be seeing you along the way.