While walking my little poodle, Charlie, through Indian Hills, I passed many different tribal names. I started thinking of how I have read that the Native Americans used everything and wasted nothing. Apparently, when a Navajo hunter killed a deer or other animal, all parts were used. I have to admit, I even discard some parts from a three-pound, pre-plucked chicken, so thinking of using every single part of a deer is a bit overwhelming to think of with my skillset.
These random thoughts led me to think of how God can use anything for good. The tragedies in life that are so painful we cannot even discuss or process them, God will make beneficial for someone or something at some point. Sometimes in life, destruction is part of the process. Things decompose, or a fire destroys a forest. But life will spring anew from the rubble and debris.
Most people will experience the great loss of loved ones, and many continue working in ways to channel their grief and anger to help others.
A great example of a person being used by God in hardship is Helen Keller. Her life was an example of disabilities being transformed to capabilities that inspire and teach us what is possible. God was surely at work through her!
A lesser example is my Charlie, who has no left hip joint. When he gets up to greet a visitor, he stretches and sticks his leg out. The lack of that hip joint makes his leg kind of wiggle and go sideways in a funny way that catches people off guard. It makes our visitors, especially Betsy White, smile and laugh every time! That imperfection is one thing that makes the little poodle so cute and makes people smile.
And God uses you and me when we allow, even with all of our imperfections, faults, and even our tragedies.
Lord, I will never be perfect enough to represent You. Please use my strengths, and especially my weaknesses, to benefit others and for Your great plan. Amen.
But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me (2 Corinthians 12:9).
Grace and Blessings, Robin Abbott