“Locked Rooms” by Min. Billie Dreher

When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors were locked where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.”  John 20.19


A friend, two years widowed, decided to convert her husband’s art studio to a playroom for her grandkids. What started as a fun project turned into bitter frustration. Not being an artist herself, aside from the paints and brushes, she didn’t know how many of the items were used or how much to charge for them. Her frustration turned to anger. In a flood of tears, she asked herself – what is all this stuff and WHY am I left to deal with this mess? In hopes of making sense of it all, she posted pictures of the art supplies and equipment on her social media.


When my friend shared this story with me the following day, she compared her experience to the ‘locked room’ where Jesus miraculously appeared among the frightened disciples. Jesus’ peace washed over her as friends and family posted encouraging words and requests to purchase the posted items. The room was cleared out in short order.


Since hearing this story, I wondered if I have a locked room. Yes, I do! Maybe not now, but certainly in the past, and most likely in the future. Like the disciples, I’ve locked some rooms because of fear, others because of anger, and shame. Thinking back, I see when Jesus appeared out of nowhere in the middle of MY messes, and brought me peace. I’m so grateful for Jesus. No matter how hard I try to keep him and others out, He surprises me by showing up and making it all OK. This is LOVE, my friends. I pray you see Jesus in your locked rooms today!


Please pray with me. Holy God, thank you for your son, Jesus. Forgive us for the times we’ve hidden in our locked rooms. Lord, thank you for knowing when we need you most. Thank you for putting people in our lives who break down the doors and bring the gift of your Peace with them. Lord, please give us the strength to walk out of our locked room and into a life of service for you. We ask this in Jesus’ name. AMEN!