(adapted from “Embracing Him”)
For an extraordinary baseball pitcher, Don Sutton performed few extraordinary feats. Though a veteran of over 20 seasons, in only one did he win more than 20 games. He never pitched a no-hitter and only once did he lead the league in any category (2.21 ERA, 1980). Yet on June 21, 1986, he rubbed elbows with the true legends of baseball by becoming the 13th pitcher to win 300 Games. Don’s analysis of his success is worth noting. “A grinder and a mechanic” is what he called himself. “I never considered myself flamboyant or exceptional. But all my life, I’ve
found a way to get the job done.” And get it done he did. Through two decades, six presidential terms, and four trades, he consistently did what pitchers are supposed to do – win games. Don Sutton has been called the “family sedan” of baseball’s pitchers because he was so reliable.
“Reliable friends who do what they say are like cool drinks in sweltering heat – refreshing!”
(Proverbs 25:13 MSG)
A reliable person is trustworthy and dependable. Reliability is an important character trait that includes timeliness, good service, and quality results. Reliable people are the ones who get the job done! As followers of Christ, who is faithful, reliable, and trustworthy, we are called to be faithful, reliable, and trustworthy. Here are five things that can help you be a reliable person:
- Think before making a commitment. It is important to understand what is required of you before you make a commitment. Ask questions for clarification to better understand what you need to do and what is expected of you.
- Follow through. If you say you are going to do something, do it. Anything less would be irresponsible and unfair to those who have put their trust in you.
- Don’t wait for reminders. Recognize that reliable people are self-motivated. Understand what you need to do and begin working on the task right away. There is no need for repeated reminders because reliable people are dedicated people.
- Pay attention to the details. Develop an eye for details and complete your tasks well. Shortcuts can lead to sloppy results.
- Take care of things in a timely manner. Reliable people are punctual. Learn to use your time wisely so you can complete a task without rushing or feeling overwhelmed.
God’s Best…Pastor Steven