Matthew 18:1-4(ESV) At that time, the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in
the kingdom of heaven?” And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said,
“Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom
of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”
A few weeks ago, our PHCC kids, and a crowd of volunteer youth and adults, gathered for the
last day of “Mega Sport Camp” VBS in the Christian Family Life Center. Everyone was loud,
happy, and full of spiritual and physical energy. The gym crackled with it! I recalled the
scripture – “become like children” and realized in my own glee, I had.
But on closer reading of Matthew this week, I know I was still far from being childlike in the
way Matthew described. Verse 4 tells us, “Whoever humbles himself like this child…”
How did the children at VBS humble themselves? They humbled themselves by RELYING on
the adult and youth volunteers to provide direction, instruction, safety, and food. From their
questions and comments, it was clear that they also RELIED on the Bible to tell them the truth.
It made me ask, who do I RELY on for direction, instruction, food, housing, and safety? I could
only answer “myself.” I am convicted. Vanity tells me I know myself. Pride makes me think I
know what is best. In truth, only God knows me and the life He created me to live. Why
wouldn’t I RELY on Him? Better question, why don’t I RELY on Him? It is past time that I
“turn” and rely on God for these things.
Billie Dreher, Minister
Heavenly Father, only you know what is best for me. You made me with your own hands;
fearfully and wonderfully. You have set before me my best life if I could only see it. Give me the
strength to put aside the vanity and pride that blinds me. Teach me to recognize the difference
between self-sufficiency and being reliant and FREE. Give me the wisdom to humbly seek your
will. I ask this in the name of your humble son, Jesus. Amen